Friday, February 26, 2010

Just In The Nick Of Time...


I skipped class today and slept in. I then cleaned the house and went and spent the rest of the day with my friend, Dave.

We watched Philadelphia because I hadn't seen it. I think that it was a pretty good movie, but I really hate watching movies that came out in the early to mid nineties and seeing how dated they look. It makes me feel the same way I feel when I hear Nirvana on the classic rock station.

In other news, my wife told me last night that she got trapped in an elevator by a robot.


Apparently the hospital she was working at employes robots to buff their floors. You know, like the little robots that vacuum your house for you. Except these robots are big. One of them followed her into an elevator and wouldn't move so that she could get out.

Yep. It's 2010. My wife was held hostage by a robot, and all I could think about was how the robot usually managed to use the elevator. I mean, does it have a little hand or something to push the buttons? How does it know which buttons to push? Then I realized that it probably didn't intend to get in the elevator. It probably just sensed that the door was open and thought that it was an area that needed to be cleaned.

Still... trapped in an elevator by a robot. Freakin' sweet!

I am the Reverend Humpy and I have approved this message.

1 comment:

Dustin said...

That's sorta badass.