Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Band of the Week: The Rolling Stones - Song #4: You Can't Always Get What You Want


This is one of those songs that you hear all the time on TV commercials, or on the radio, so it's easy to forget sometimes just what a great tune it is. The album it originally appeared on, Let It Bleed, is one of those landmark albums where each track comes together and appears at exactly the right time to make the album flow smoothly. The Stones have a few albums out that are composed that way. A few years back, the chorus of this song was used by a band I was in to end a very similar original tune, and it ALWAYS ended up being a special moment for both the audience and us. We would often end our sets with it, cutting out all of the instruments and just singing it in 4-part a' capella harmony. The chorus - such a simple line - "You can't always get what you want / but if you try, sometimes, / you just might find / you get what you need" is very powerful. It's one of those lines that's a universal human truth, and Mick and Keith found the perfect way to combine that truth with a great melody to evoke all of the emotion that comes along with it. I hope you enjoy the clip:

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